I am a full stack web developer who enjoys creating clean, useful code. I have been in the education industry in South Korea for the last five years and have decided to make a career change. My education at Bloc has developed my passion for and knowledge of Javascript on both the front end and the back end, but I am very eager to learn new technologies and expand my fields of expertise. I love and thoroughly enjoy code and development.
My journey with coding started when I was in ninth grade when I took a course that introduced me to Visual Basic. I enjoyed the class, but was more focused on electronic engineering at the time. I later encountered the C language as an undergraduate. I again enjoyed programming, but was more concerned with finishing my degree I was pursuing. While teaching in South Korea, I was looking for a career and a life path that was more fulfilling. I liked my life, but teaching student who mostly didn't want to learn English wasn't what got me up in the morning. I started teaching myself about javascript, HTML, and CSS. I was immediately interested and enthralled. I have since followed that love and enthusiasm to finishing the Bloc web development track.
I had a moment when finishing a coding challenge that summarizes my feelings for programming best. I was creating a program for said coding challenge and I had a critical design flaw I had caught with a day before the challenge was due. I spent the next twenty hours fixing the problem and deploying the site. I finished in time and I actually enjoyed the process. I went to teach students for the next four hours after a short nap and that actually felt way more agonizing. This experience has reaffirmed my decision to go down this path.
I love learning and growing as a developer. I also am recently married and when I am not knee deep in code I enjoy spending time with my wife, coffee, cooking, and sports. I just relocated back to the United States and am open to positions in any location. Time zones are no restriction. Get in touch and let's work together!
I am looking to become much more proficient in Javascript and want to start exploring python. However I welcome any challenge you would like to put my way.